We help Czech & Slovak advertisers to use media investment more effectively

  • Audit & brainstorming of media deals
  • Audit & brainstorming of media plans
  • Audit & brainstorming of sponsorship
  • Audit & brainstorming of media agency tender
  • Audit & brainstorming of the contract with media agency
  • Orientation in your individual problem
  • Long list and short list of media agencies
  • Preparation for the commission of the selection process (RFP = request for proposal)
  • Addressing media agencies
  • Formulating answers regarding any media agencies questions
  • Evaluation of outputs, recommendation for personal presentations of the individual agencies
  • Hosting agencies‘ presentations, its evaluation and ranking establishment
  • Preparation of the contract outline with authorised agency

Media outsourcing (outsourcing of a media manager) is a full-value substitution of one’s own employer on the post of a media manager. It the most intensive and most efficient form of cooperation with Macinga Media, s.r.o. Consultant is obliged to defend interests of the client and authorized to directly communicate with a media agency and the media. Consultant is not authorized to conclude any agreements on behalf of the client without a previous authorization by the client. The position of a consultant on the side of a client is impartial, and is based on offering suggestions. The objective is to maximize the efficiency of media planning and buying carried out by the client. In addition to media parameters, it takes into account budgetary and moral issues.

  • Ad hoc media planning
  • Strategic media planning and sponsorship
  • Innovative media solutions and sponsorship
  • Optimization of media plans and sponsorship
  • Determination and participation in formation of terms and conditions in the media
  • Relationship between client – agency – medium
  • Understanding media plans
  • Understanding the on-line postbuy process
  • Understanding the TV postbuy process
  • Selection of media agency
  • Media agency’s assessment
  • Advertising and media agency cooperation
  • The task of procurement and cooperation with media agency

We are not a media agency and we don’t buy media except of Facebook and AdWords. However, there are many companies which don’t want to cooperate with media agencies, but still want to invest in media communication. Exactly to this type of clients, we offer our direct contacts to media as well as our experience with facilitating the media purchase and negotiations about optimal pricing conditions in a specific media.

Mačinga & Hladký is a joint brand of the companies Mačinga Media, s. r. o., (Managing Director Pavol Mačinga) and AD VISION Consulting s.r.o. (Managing Director Milan Hladký). It seems that it has never been so easy to make a bargain or waste money on advertising as now! People’s attention is so split that for an efficient advertising it is essential to join the media and creative components.
The connection of experience and expertise of Pavol Mačinga and Milan Hladký at the beginning of 2012 is a logical reaction to the direction of advertising development both home and abroad. We have thus brought together our client, media and advertising experience to serve our clients efficiently in times when advertising is changing its established rules and success depends on ability to flexibly respond to all changes. With disappearing media separation, the classical work distribution between media and advertising agencies is disappearing, too. A strong need and desire to create outside the borders of present possibilities is apparent on both sides: media agencies look for new contents for new media while media agencies explore new media to covey their messages.
As a result, it is ever more common that advertisers address the media mix concurrently with a media and advertising agency. We belief that resources invested in advertising bring most fruit if the media and creative strategy are a result of mutual inspiration of “media” and “creative” teams rather than prepared individually.

Provide services for the contracting authorities as for private clients, taking into account Directive 2014/24/EU of 2.26.2014.

Pavol mi opakovane ukázal, že plánovanie a nákup médií je umenie podložené číslami…
Philippe Moreels, ČSA
Great passion for effective ideas and very little tolerance for mistakes or nonsense…
Jan Binar, McCann
Thanks to his great sense of detail he can discover things that you would never think about…
Tomáš Jaroš, ČSOB
Nabídku Pavla Mačingy jsme vyhodnotili jako nejvýhodnější…
Jiří Vlasák, Kofola
He is one of the few who are able to think about the content and the real impact of a campaign…
Ivo Mešťánek, ČSOB
Pavol participated in preparation and evaluation of the mediaagency pitch process…
Lenka Janouchová, Fortuna
I highly recommend Pavol as independent Media Manager. He is a great expert in his field…
Daniel Šturm, Česká spořitelna
Na Pavlovi oceňuju jeho odborné znalosti a zkušenost ze strany klienta…
Radim Ochman, Maspex
Jeho konzultácie pomohli Poštovej banke s kompletným procesom mediálneho tendru…
Daniel Bradáč, Poštová banka
Pavol Mačinga nabízí mimořádnou kombinaci kreativity a matematické exaktnosti…
Ilona Miková, MŠMT

Let us try to discuss the options of cooperation.

Call me+420 606 432 329

Let us try to discuss the options of cooperation.

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